I help creative, dynamic people release themselves from the past and live in the now.


  • Complex trauma refers to the ongoing chronic experiences in childhood that encompass the spectrum from abuse to neglect. Complex Trauma and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) have long term effects on a person’s brain, body, and beliefs. Chronic adverse events can result in dissociation, numbing, and compartmentalization as a way to cope. Although helpful for survival in childhood, these responses can become problematic when they endure into adulthood. Working through complex trauma allows us new, resilient ways of coping, living, and thriving.

  • Beliefs about self can be a result of family dynamics. These can manifest as puzzling, conflicted adult relationships. When explored, disempowering the negative beliefs and reframing them with updated truths can help.

  • The process of becoming yourself exists at the intersections of identity, culture, sexuality, gender, family, and relationships. Exploring this in therapy allows us the space and time to adapt to our truths, helping us to know and declare ourselves first, then to others on our terms.

  • I serve Emerging Therapists by offering a space to delve into our own processes while reflecting on the special dual issues we face when being both the therapist and the client.

  • I provide Consultation for the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) for therapists seeking certification as a TRM Practitioner. I am authorized to co-lead groups and offer private personal sessions using the TRM Model that culminate in the completion of requirements for TRM Practitioner Certification.



Psychotherapy and Counseling for Adults

  • ISSTD Advanced Certificate in Complex Trauma and Dissociation

    The Triphasic Model of Treatment for Dissociation consists of 1) Establishing safety and stability. 2) Trauma Re-Processing. 3) Integration.

    The ISSTD Center for Advanced Studies in Trauma and Dissociation has developed a comprehensive series of educational programs with a focus on Chronic Complex Trauma and Psychodynamic Theory. https://www.isst-d.org/about-isstd/

  • Certified Trauma Resiliency Model Practitioner, Consultant, Facilitator (TRM). This model provides psychoeducation to clients on the biology of fear and threat and the automatic, natural defensive responses that occur when faced with a life-threatening and/or dangerous situation. Importantly, TRM explores the concept of resiliency and how to restore balance to the body and the mind after traumatic experiences. https://www.traumaresourceinstitute.com/

  • A CMA is a skilled movement professional trained and certified by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS®). A CMA has a highly refined understanding of the patterns of movement through the LMA lenses of Body, Effort, Shape, and Space. Appreciates the functional and expressive aspects of human movement and perceives the interpretive/subjective processes that take place through movement. https://labaninstitute.org/

  • Through exposure to Somatic Abolitionism and my ongoing practice of culture-based body somatics, I support folks in critical self-decolonization and reclaiming of cultural identity as a personal act of anti-racism. I invite BIPOC and particularly WOC folks to my practice as a safe haven for grieving, processing, and empowering self by abolishing the wounds dominant culture has left on generations of our peoples.

  • I do not use suggestive, coercive, or recovered memory methods, hypnotism, or EMDR. I do not require you to share or do anything you choose not to do.